About The Tempremental

In all of the years of blogging, never once did I stop and think of penning an insight as to how the blog was founded/created - until now.

Back in 2007, when I was a feisty young Sagittarius, I had a diary where I ranted on. The only downside was that I kept using it as a sketch or rough book, filling it with random crap or doodles. Trust me, I must've wasted at least two A5 books (not the ones used in school, it's more of the expensive ones with a hard cover).

Oh, well.

Not wanting to waste any more ink and paper, I figured that an online version would suit me better. No temptations to draw doodles or write crap on it. It would also assist in coping with the academic and personal stress - through the creative writing and figurative expressions (similes, oxymoron, kenning and the like).

This was in late 2008.

I decided to delete everything and start over sometime in 2011 because I realized that the posts were getting far too personal for public viewing - and I was ranting about anything and everything under the clouds. Plus, my heart was burning for something else: it was time to divert the focus on more creative writing and baking/cooking recipes.

The turning point came when I enrolled in Taylor's College (or specifically, their Canadian Pre-University matriculation program, also known as the Canadian Matriculation). The blog had to take a backburner towards the end of my college time as I struggled to find the perfect balance between academics and life. (I still struggle with that at times, but it's much better now.)

The blog has been with me for a total of almost 8 years, chronicling my journey from an impulsive teenager full of angst to a more stable person that I am now. I still have those (rare) emotional outbursts, but I've learned to control it by rolling my eyes and walking away before my temper reaches 100C. (Don't even think of testing me; the opposite will occur instead.)

I harbor the hope that it'll be there to record the happiest moments of my life (read: graduation, employment, marriage and maybe motherhood). Who knows I'll be able to look back and reflect once I've spiritually and emotionally grown?

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